Panmure District School received a very positive outcome for the most recent Education Review Office Report in 2019.
Feedback from our most recent ERO Report:
Students demonstrate:
- a sense of pride and belonging in their school, appreciating and learning about diversity
- positive attitudes to learning
- confidence to take on increasing responsibility for their learning
- collaborative learning with and from their peers.
Professional leadership for student equity and excellence is guided by carefully considered, strategic decision-making. Leaders work with staff collaboratively.
Leaders show a strong commitment to adapting systems and practices to ensure a supportive environment for student learning and wellbeing. They have established an environment of ongoing, deliberate, evidence-based and evaluative thinking. Evaluation now includes the perspectives of students, staff and whānau/aiga.
Another significant shift is evident in the school’s energised professional learning environment. This has resulted from leaders’ high expectations for teaching practices to support students’ ownership of their own learning. Collaborative, supportive, learning-focused dialogue is encouraging teachers’ confidence to trial new approaches and change their practice. Relevant internally and externally facilitated professional learning is scaffolding teachers’ professional growth and understanding of effective practice.
Parents are now encouraged to come into the school, and their contributions are valued. Their perspectives and aspirations helped to shape the school’s new vision, values and curriculum. Parents who spoke with ERO appreciate the new leadership’s inclusion and valuing of the children and their families.
The full report can be read at: